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Switching to Found is fast & free

All the business banking features you want, plus tools to help you succeed. Save for taxes, track expenses, send invoices, and so much more.
Full-featured business checking
Built-in bookkeeping
Smart tax tools
Free invoicing & payments
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Found mobile app, desktop website, and debit card
Found mobile app, desktop website, and debit card
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Found Reviews
Trusted by thousands of businesses.
See Why
Smart, simple banking.
Manage your cash flow easily
Create virtual cards and custom pockets to organize your money.
No hidden fees
No account maintenance fees, no minimum balance, free sign up.
Skip the paperwork
Sign up in just a few steps. No credit check.
No-stress taxes.
Know what you owe
Found calculates your estimated tax bill in real time.
Found tracks, you save
Auto-categorization makes write-offs easy.
Taxes, simplified
Auto-save for taxes and pay right from the app.
Easy-to-use financial tools.
No toggling between apps
Manage all your finances in Found.
Easily send invoices
Professional, trackable, free invoices right at your fingertips.
Automatic expense tracking
Seamless, paper-free bookkeeping saves you time.

See what Found members have to say.

Very easy

It was very easy. We just put in all the relevant information and had an account opened up so quickly.

Warren W.

Specialty Steel

Exactly what I needed.

I knew that Found was exactly what I needed. Making sure I have my taxes straight is really important. Found takes care of all of that for me.

John W.

No reason to compare.

Once I came across Found, there was no reason to compare.

Eric T.

Everything all in one place.

To be able to do the invoices and manage all of my taxes for everything all in one place—that’s huge.

Allisha F.

A perfect fit.

It’s a perfect fit for single member LLCs and sole proprietors. That’s why I like it for all of the people I work with.

Loyd W.

  • What you get with Found
    Business checking with routing & account number
    Personalized Mastercard® business debit card
    Virtual debit cards
    Cashback rewards
    No hidden fees, minimum balance, or credit check
    Direct deposit up to 2 days early
    Free ACH transfers
    Unlimited transactions
    Free built-in expense tracking
    Auto-save for taxes
    Account access via web and app
    Unlimited free invoices
    Import transactions from banks, cards, and apps
    Support from a dedicated team
    Auto-generated tax forms (Schedule C, 1099)
    FDIC insured up to $250k through Piermont Bank*
    What is Found and who is it for?
    How does Found compare to Oxygen?
    How do I switch?
    Are my deposits FDIC insured?
    Will my Found account have a different routing number?
    Where can I use my Found debit card?
    Which apps can I connect to my Found account?
    Can Found help me identify relevant tax deductions and write-offs?
    How does Found help me with my taxes?
    I currently use another accounting tool. Do Found’s bookkeeping tools work with other platforms?
    Sign up for free in minutes.
    Get started
    Easy sign-upNo credit check
    No minimum balanceNo hidden fees
    App icon cactus
    All-in-one banking
    for the self-employed


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    *Found is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC. The funds in your account are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 per depositor for each account ownership category.

    The Found Mastercard Business debit card is issued by Piermont Bank pursuant to a license from Mastercard Inc.

    The information on this website is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on, for tax advice.

    **Direct deposit funds may be available for use for up to two days before the scheduled payment date. Early availability is not guaranteed.

    Found partners with various providers to enable you to compare offers from participating institutions, such as lending, filing service, and insurance providers. Found is not a lender, a filing service, nor an insurance provider.

    This website contains advertisement of Found and third party products and services.

    Found is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC.