Pay 1099 contractors the easy way

Fast, free* payments and more
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Found mobile app, desktop website, and debit card
Found mobile app, desktop website, and debit card
Onboard, pay, and manage contractors

Found makes hiring 1099 contractors seamless from start to finish. Easily collect W-9 forms, pay your people quickly, and stay on top of taxes at the end of the year.

Easily and quickly onboard contractors
Easily and quickly onboard contractors
Send 1099 payments by text, email, or direct deposit
Send 1099 payments by text, email, or direct deposit
Download and file 1099-NECs at the end of the year
Download and file 1099-NECs at the end of the year

Pay your team with a tap

Send payments to your contractors via email or text. They can choose from a range of deposit options, including ACH and instant debit card transfers.* If they join Found, you can instantly send payments from your Found account to theirs—for free.

* Transfer limits apply to instant debit card transfers and are subject to change.

Fast, secure, digital W-9s

Onboarding and managing contractors doesn’t have to be a hassle. Request a contractor’s W-9 anytime or require it before they can accept payment. Found securely stores their details, so you have all the information that you need to stay compliant.

1099s, automated and effortless

At the end of the year, Found automatically generates complete 1099-NEC forms for any contractors you’ve paid over $600 and can even file them for you.

Less stress, more savings

Found brings banking, payments, and bookkeeping together with no required monthly or per-contractor fees.¹ With everything tracked in one place, there’s no need to reconcile across platforms. Each payment is automatically recorded as a deductible expense, helping you keep more of what you earn.

Pay on your own schedule

Stay ahead by scheduling payments in advance, or save them as drafts to finish later when it’s convenient. For repeat payments, simply duplicate a previous one with a few taps.

Here’s what customers have to say about Found

Real-time information.

I can’t justify an accountant, and a lot of businesses my size can’t. Being able to get real-time information on how much I owed in taxes, I love that.

Sade T.

Best business banking ever.

I can track my mileage, create invoices, add money, track spending, and add contractors under my business. I’m getting everything I need to build my brand.

Queen P.

Awesome business app.

Contractor enrollment is easy along with transaction categorization. Plus, 1099s are automatically generated. The best business bank app out there.

Mauro A.

User friendly.

Extremely user friendly and for the most part runs like a consolidated Quickbooks, but doesn't cost you a bunch of money.

Tracy T.

Helps me keep track.

Helps me to keep track of all of my expenses and tax deductions without having a bucket of paper receipts.

Angie F.

  • Found’s contractor management features
    No per-contractor fees
    Unlimited payments
    Built-in contractor onboarding
    Auto-generated 1099 forms for contractors
    Contractor payment tracking
    Automated W-9 reminders
    Payment notifications for contractors
    How do I pay a contractor through Found?
    How much does it cost to use Found's contractor management tools?
    How can my contractor benefit from having a Found account?
    What is a W-9 form?
    Will Found help me collect my contractors’ W-9 information?
    Will Found generate 1099-NEC forms for me at the end of the year?
    What’s the difference between independent contractors vs. employees?

    Sign up for free in minutes.

    Easy sign up

    No credit check

    No minimum balance

    No hidden fees

    App download QR code
    Scan to download the Found app.
    Found is available on iOS, Android, and desktop.
    Get started
    App icon cactus
    All-in-one banking
    for the self-employed


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    Found is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC.

    The Found Mastercard debit card is issued by Piermont Bank pursuant to a license from Mastercard Inc.

    The information on this website is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on, for tax advice.

    Direct deposit funds may be available for use for up to two days before the scheduled payment date. Early availability is not guaranteed.

    Found partners with various providers to enable you to compare offers from participating institutions, such as lending, filing service, and insurance providers. Found is not a lender, a filing service, nor an insurance provider.

    *Payments can be sent for free between Found users or by bank transfer via text, email, or direct deposit. Domestic wire transfers are available for a $15 fee.

    ¹ Advanced, optional add-on bookkeeping software available with a Found Plus subscription. There are no monthly account maintenance fees, but transactional fees for wires, instant transfers, and ATM apply. Read more here:

    Found is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC.
    Get started

    Found is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC.